
Season : All Year

​Cost: No additional cost

Practice Days - Fridays 3:30 - 5:00pm 

E-Sports is a form of competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between individual players and/or teams.

Color Guard

Season : August - May

​Cost: No additional cost

Practice Days - Monday, Wednesday & Friday 3:30 - 5:00pm

The Color Guard is a group of four or more cadets that present the United States and state flags at games and ceremonies. Team may have the opportunity to compete against other JROTC units during regional and national competitions.


Season : January - March 

​Cost: TBD

Practice Days : Tuesday & Thursday / 3:30 - 5:00pm

Orienteering is a competitive sport that combines racing with navigation. It is a timed race in which teams use a detailed map to select routes and navigate through diverse terrain and visit control points in sequence. 


Season : September - February

​Cost: No additional fee

Practice Days - Wednesday 7:30 - 8:20am

The Joint Leadership and Academic Bowl is comprised of a 4-6 member team that competes academically against JROTC units across the nation. JLAB prepares students for state exit/graduation exams and college entrance exams.

Military Model Building

Season : November - March

​Cost: No additional cost

Practice Days - Friday / 3:30 - 5:00pm

Design and/or build small rockets, planes, or other aircraft/spacecraft. Learn about aerospace engineering, design, and functionality in the Air Force. 11. Multi-Copter (Drone) Program. We provide a group of cadets to learn and engage in one of the faste

Sabre Team

Season : September - April

​Cost: No additional cost

Practice Days - TDB 

This team is trained to use ceremonial sabers for specific events, to include homecoming events, recognition ceremonies, military ball, etc. 


Season : August - November

​Cost: $100

Practice Days - Monday - Friday 3:30 - 5:30pm 

Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Events take place outdoors and usually consist of individual strength test (push-ups, tire-drag, obstical course, etc), distance team running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge contstruction/crossing. Cadets build self confidence and learn the importance of teamwork to accomplish goals.